EWS Certificate Documents Required | EWS Form PDF Download

EWS Certificate Documents Required
EWS Certificate Documents Required | EWS Form PDF Download

Indian nationals who fall within the Economically Weaker Section are given EWS Certificates, which allow them to take advantage of 10% reservations in government jobs and higher education.

The EWS law of 2019 was approved by the Indian government on January 12, 2019, and it was first implemented on January 14, 2019, by the Gujarat government. EWS certificates, which must be presented upon admittance or when applying for government jobs, are income or asset certificates that the government issues to EWS people.

Benefits of EWS Certificate

Here are the benefits of the EWS certificate:

  • Helps those individuals under General category who are financially weak
  • Enables applicants to avail benefits on education field and government schemes
  • The EWS reservation of 10% is applicable for all major universities under UGC
  • Applicants can avail State and Central government subsidy schemes using EWS certificate

EWS Certificate Eligibility

The 103rd Amendment Act, 2019, which provided a 10% reservation in education and government positions in India for a segment of the General category candidates, was affirmed by the Supreme Court of India on November 7, 2022. A 3:2 majority of the Supreme Court’s constitutional bench maintained the judgement.

In January 2019, the Indian Parliament revised the Constitution to include a 10% general category candidate reservation in government posts and education. A challenge to the amendment was made, casting doubt on the constitutionality of economic reservations.
Learn everything there is to know about the EWS quota, the EWS certificate, who qualifies for it, how to apply for it on the UPSC exam application, etc.

Read also : EWS Certificate: Income and Asset Certificate for Government Job Applications and Admissions | 10% Reservation

EWS Certificate Documents Required

The following are the essential documents that are required to apply for EWS certificate:

  • Aadhar card
  • School Leaving Certificate
  • Residenc Proof
  • Income certificate
  • Proof of identification
  • Caste certificate
  • Property or land proof
  • Passport sized photograph
  • Self-declaration or Affidavit

The list of documents varies from case to case so applicants are advised to keep frequently the official website to get latest updates about the EWS Certificate Application.

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