Non Creamy Layer Certificate એવા સર્ટિફિકેટ છે જે ચોક્કસ સામાજિક વર્ગમાં વ્યક્તિના સભ્યપદની પુષ્ટિ કરે છે. સરકાર તરફથી આ સર્ટિફિકેટ ઇસ્યુ કરવામાં આવે છે. બધા અરજદારો કે જેઓ Other Backword Class ના હોવાના સ્વ-પ્રમાણિત કરે છે તેઓએ Non-Creamy Layer Status નું સર્ટિફિકેટ સબમિટ કરવું આવશ્યક છે, જે યોગ્ય રાજ્ય સરકાર (ઓબીસી) દ્વારા જારી કરવું આવશ્યક છે.
OBC હેઠળના આરક્ષણોના સંદર્ભમાં, પરિવારોને વાર્ષિક આવકના આધારે Creamy Layer અને Non-Creamy Layer માં વર્ગીકૃત કરવામાં આવે છે. પરિવાર OBC આરક્ષણ (Non-Creamy Layer) નો હેતુ પછાત વર્ગોમાં સૌથી વધુ લાયક ઉમેદવારોને ઉત્થાન આપવાનો છે. OBC Non-Creamy Layer ઉમેદવાર તરીકે લાયક બનવા માટે, અરજદારના માતાપિતાની વાર્ષિક આવક રૂપિયા 8 લાખ કરતાં ઓછી હોવી જોઈએ.
Required Documents for Non Creamy Layer Certificate in Gujarat
ગુજરાતમાં Non-Creamy Layer Certificate મેળવવા માટે જરૂરી દસ્તાવેજો નીચે આપેલા છે.
- Aadhaar Card
- True Copy of Electricity Bill
- Ration Card
- Income certificate
- Caste Certificate
- Village Registrations Nos. 7/12, 8-A, and 6
- True Copy of School Leaving Certificate
- True Copy of School Leaving Certificate of Father/Uncle/Grand Father
- Your application requires supporting paperwork, such as an affidavit
- Passport Size Photograph
Income Limit & Eligibility of Non Creamy Layer Certificate in Gujarat
Non Creamy Layer (NCL) પ્રમાણપત્ર પ્રાપ્ત કરવા માટે અરજદાર દ્વારા નીચેની જરૂરિયાતો પૂરી કરવી આવશ્યક છે:
- ઉમેદવાર ભારતીય નાગરિક હોવો જોઈએ.
- તે ગુજરાતમાં કાયમી વસવાટ કરવો જોઈએ.
- OBC આરક્ષણ (Non Creamy Layer) નો હેતુ પછાત વર્ગોમાં સૌથી વધુ લાયક ઉમેદવારોને ઉત્થાન આપવાનો છે. OBC Non Creamy Layer ઉમેદવાર તરીકે લાયક બનવા માટે, અરજદારના માતાપિતાની વાર્ષિક આવક રૂ. 8 લાખ કરતાં ઓછી હોવી જોઈએ.
Validity of Non Creamy Layer Certificate in Gujarat
સરકાર દ્વારા જારી કરાયેલ પ્રમાણપત્ર જારી કર્યાની તારીખથી 3 વર્ષના સમયગાળા માટે માન્ય રહેશે.
How to Apply for Non Creamy Layer Certificate in Gujarat
Offline Application Procedure
નોન-ક્રિમી લેયર પ્રમાણપત્ર માટે ઑફલાઇન અરજી કરવા માટે અરજદારે નીચે આપેલા સ્ટેપને અનુસરવું પડશે:
- સ્ટેપ 1: અરજદાર રાજ્યમાં પ્રમાણપત્ર મેળવવા માટે તાલુકામાં નજીકની જન સેવા કેન્દ્રની ઑફિસનો સંપર્ક કરી શકે છે.
પગલું 2: અરજી ફોર્મ નિયત દસ્તાવેજો સાથે સબમિટ કરવાનું રહેશે. - સ્ટેપ 3: હવે, નિયત ફી અરજી સાથે અધિકારીને મોકલવાની રહેશે.
- સ્ટેપ 4: અરજી સબમિટ કરવા પર, અરજીની સ્થિતિ ઑનલાઇન તપાસવા માટે અરજદારને એક સ્વીકૃતિ સ્લિપ આપવામાં આવશે.
Download Form in PDF for Non Creamy Layer Certificate Gujarat
Download Format of Affidavit for Non Creamy Layer Certificate Gujarat
How to Apply Online for Non Creamy Layer Certificate in Gujarat
The state of Gujarat has launched a program called Digital Gujarat to expand citizens access to online resources provided by the government. On the Digital Gujarat website, residents can sign up for an account, submit application forms and check the status of their requests. Through the Digital Gujarat portal, one can submit a request to apply for Non Creamy Layer Certificate. To start using Digital Gujarat, one must create an account with the Digital Gujarat Portal.
To sign up and register for Digital Gujarat, please follow the steps below.
- Check out the website Digital Gujarat.
- Please click the link labeled “Click for New Registration” to continue registering as a citizen.
- Remember to submit your contact information, including your full name, email address, or phone number.
- Create a new password
- Make sure that you click the Save button before moving on.
- A notification will be delivered to the user on their mobile device whenever an OTP is issued to that device.
- Input the OTP into the text box provided, and then click the confirm button when ready to proceed with the registration process.
- Providing your full name and mailing address will bring the registration process to a successful conclusion.
- Upload one photo that is the correct size for a passport.
- After making changes to the form, go to the “Update” option to save your work.
- After the second step of the registration procedure has been finished, the citizen profile page will become available.
- Citizens provide a profile page that you may use to alter or add information about yourself at any time.
Online Application for Non Creamy Layer Certificate Gujarat
Fully online process to apply for Non Creamy Layer Certificate in Gujarat
- Please register yourself if you want to use the Digital Gujarat Portal.
- Select the “Request a New Service” option from the drop-down menu.
- Choose one of the following three options to apply for a certificate. (Application for a Non-Creamy Layer Certificate to Be Issued by the State of Gujarat, Application for a Non-Creamy Layer Certificate to Be Issued by the Central Government, Non-Creamy Layer Certificate Issued by the State of Gujarat)
- To apply for this service, you must fill out the forms required
- To continue the service, please click the “Continue To Service” button.
- You can view your service’s “Request ID” and “Application No.” on the following screen.
- Press the “Continue” button when ready to move on with the process.
- Kindly fill out the form and include all the supporting evidence.
- After ensuring that the declaration box is checked, the following step is to click the “Submit” button.
- You will be able to print out a copy of the application after you have finished filling it out and submitting it so that you can include it with your payment.
- Text messages will be sent to the applicants, informing them of the status of their application.
- The applicant can Download the certificate by going to the website, entering the application number, and then selecting the button that says “download issued document.”
How to Download Non Creamy Layer Certificate form Digital Gujarat Portal
Follow the below steps to download Non-Creamy Layer certificate.
- Login to Digital Gujarat Website
- Click on “Download Issued Documents” to download Non-Creamy Layer certificate.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Apply Non Creamy Layer Certificate Online in Gujarat 2023
What is a Non-Creamy Layer Certificate?
A Non-Creamy Layer certificate is a government-issued document that confirms an individual’s eligibility for reservation benefits under the Other Backward Classes (OBC) category while excluding those who fall under the “creamy layer” criteria.
Who is Eligible to Apply for a Non-Creamy Layer Certificate?
Individuals belonging to the OBC category can apply for a Non-Creamy Layer certificate if their family’s annual income below Rs. 8.00 Lakh.
How Can I Apply for a Non-Creamy Layer Certificate?
To apply for a Non-Creamy Layer certificate, you can visit the official website and follow the application process and provide the necessary documents and details as required.
Is the Non-Creamy Layer Certificate Downloadable Online?
Yes, the Non-Creamy Layer certificate can be downloaded online after the application is approved. You can log in to the official website and access the “Download Issued Documents” section to obtain the certificate.
Is the Non-Creamy Layer Certificate Transferable Across States?
No, the Non-Creamy Layer certificate is usually specific to the state or region where it is issued. If you move to another state, you may need to apply for a new certificate in your new state of residence.
Is There Any Fee for Obtaining a Non-Creamy Layer Certificate?
Yes, Each certificate for the Non-Creamy Layer costs twenty Indian Rupees.
Can I Use the Non-Creamy Layer Certificate for Education Loan Benefits?
Yes, many educational institutions and financial institutions consider the Non-Creamy Layer certificate as proof of eligibility for special benefits, including education loan concessions and scholarships.
Is the Non-Creamy Layer Certificate Required for All Government Job Applications?
Yes, if you belong to the OBC category and wish to avail of reservation benefits while applying for government jobs or educational opportunities, you will typically need to submit a valid Non-Creamy Layer certificate as proof of eligibility.
Is the Non-Creamy Layer Certificate Accepted Across all Government Schemes?
Yes, the Non-Creamy Layer certificate is generally accepted across various government schemes, job applications, educational institutions, and other places where OBC reservation benefits are applicable. However, specific schemes or institutions may have additional eligibility criteria, so it’s always best to check the requirements before applying.