Ayushman Card Hospitals List in Panchmahal, Gujarat: Download PDF

Ayushman Card Hospitals List in Panchmahal

The Ayushman Card Hospitals List in Panchmahal, Gujarat, brings hope to those seeking quality healthcare without the burden of expenses. It falls under the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY), a government scheme that covers more than 23,000 private and government hospitals, providing access to top-notch medical facilities. In this article, we’ll explore how the Ayushman card grants you the privilege of free treatment and the list of hospitals in Panchmahal where you can avail of this benefit.

Benefits of Ayushman Card and Hospital List:

The Ayushman card ensures you can receive various medical treatments for free. To find the complete list of PMJAY hospitals, visit the official PMJAY website and find hospitals in your state and district. Hospitals under PMJAY will offer medical services at no cost once your Ayushman card is verified.

Extensive Coverage:

The Ayushman Bharat Yojana is a blessing for the middle class, especially when facing unexpected serious illnesses. It covers about 1,400 procedures, pre-hospitalization expenses for up to three days, post-hospitalization expenses for up to 15 days, and other relevant costs, providing much-needed financial relief during medical emergencies.

A Savior for the Middle Class:

During sudden and severe illnesses, the middle class often struggles with the strain on their budgets, resorting to loans or debts. However, with an Ayushman card, these individuals can breathe a sigh of relief, as it covers incidental expenses and provides peace of mind during difficult times.

Using Ayushman Card Hospitals in Panchmahal:

Suppose you possess an Ayushman card and want to use it in Panchmahal, worry not! The Ayushman Card Hospitals List in Panchmahal includes 08 Private and 31 Government Hospitals where you can receive free treatment.

Ayushman Card Hospitals List in Other Cities of Gujarat

Here is a list of private and Government hospitals in Panchmahal that offer Ayushman Card treatment:

List of Ayushman Card Hospitals in Panchmahal
(List of Private Empaneled Hospitals in Panchmahal under PMJAY Scheme)

1AUM ORTHOPAEDIC HOSPITALNear Church Ghandhi Chawk, Panch Mahals, Gujarat9727756835
2J B GENERAL HOSPITALAt Aniyad Ta Shehera Dis Panchmahal, Panch Mahals, Gujarat7434842144
3POOJA HOSPITALPooja Hospital , Next To Cinema City , Godhra Road , Kalol District Pancmahal, Panch Mahals, Gujarat8511669911
4P.M.PARIKH GENERAL HOSPITALOpp Bus Stand Godhra Road Halol, Panch Mahals, Gujarat6355435355
5DR. MILLWALA CHILDREN HOSPITALDalunivadi Same , Sardar Nagarkhand Pase , Savlivad , Godhra 389001, Panch Mahals, Gujarat9824273052
6VATSALYA HOSPITALB-1,Mohanpark Near Talukapanchayat,Ghoghamba, Panch Mahals, Gujarat9998801387
7SHREE ORTHOPAEDIC & MATERNITY HOSPITALNear Panchmahal Tiles Factory Dahod Road, Panch Mahals, Gujarat9545321543
8SMITABEN V. SHAH DIALYSIS CENTER MANAGED BY SADVICHAR PARIVAR GODHRAVavdi Buzrg,P.T Mirani Eye Hospital Compound Godhra, Panch Mahals, Gujarat8849220310

List of Ayushman Card Hospitals in Panchmahal
(List of Government Empaneled Hospitals in Panchmahal under PMJAY Scheme)

1GENERAL HOSPITAL GODHRAVadodara Highway Opp Sardar Nagar Khand Civil Line Road, Panch Mahals, Gujarat8980045302
2CHC KALOLReferral Hospitalsamuhik Aarogya Kendra Kalol, Panch Mahals, Gujarat7567867378
3CHC MALAVChc Malav Ta Kalol Pms , Panch Mahals, Gujarat8980311245
4CHC GHOGHMBAAtghoghamba Distpanchmahal, Panch Mahals, Gujarat8320072773
5CHC KAKANPURTagodhra Distpanchmahal, Panch Mahals, Gujarat7567867193
6PHC SHIVRAJPURPrimary Health Center Shivrajpur ,Minse Road ,Shivrajpur, Panch Mahals, Gujarat9638296748
7CHC GOTHADAGothada, Panch Mahals, Gujarat7567867267
8CHC MORACommunity Health Centre Mora Taluko Morva Hadaf, Panch Mahals, Gujarat7567867274
9PHC VEJALPURVejalpur, Ta.Kalol, Panch Mahals, Gujarat7567893202
10PHC MAHELOLPhc Mahelol At Po Mahelol , Panch Mahals, Gujarat7567893109
11CHC JAMBUGHODAAt Jambughoda,Tajambughoda,Distpanchmahal, Panch Mahals, Gujarat7567867344
12CHC HALOLChchalol Ta Halol Dst Panchmahal, Panch Mahals, Gujarat9427844663
13PHC RINCHWANIRinchhwani, Ta. Ghoghamba, Panch Mahals, Gujarat7567893187
14PHC MORVA RENAMorva Rena, Ta. Shahera, Panch Mahals, Gujarat7567893267
15PHC NADISARNadisar, Ta. Godhra, Panch Mahals, Gujarat7567893113
16PHC SANSOLISansoli, Ta. Kalol, Panch Mahals, Gujarat7567893183
17PHC JANTRALPhc Jantral Ta-Kalol Dist-Panchmahal, Panch Mahals, Gujarat7567893185
18PHC DEROL GAMDerolgam Ta Kalol Di Panchmahal, Panch Mahals, Gujarat7567893184
19PHC SAMPAPrimary Health Center-Sampa, Panch Mahals, Gujarat7567893112
20PHC TIMBAGAMTimbagam, Ta.Godhra, Panch Mahals, Gujarat7567893117
21PHC RANJITNAGARAt-Post-Ranjitnagar, Near Gram Panchayat, Panch Mahals, Gujarat7567893680
22PHC KANPURKanpur, Ta.Ghoghamba, Panch Mahals, Gujarat7567893682
23REFERRAL HOSPITAL & COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER SHAHERAStation Road, At-Shahera, Ta-Shahera, Panch Mahals, Gujarat9898775255
24COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTRE MORVA HADAFCommunity Health Centre Morva Hadaf, Panch Mahals, Gujarat8980533858
25CHC BORIABalujina Muvada Baria Faliyu, Panch Mahals, Gujarat8128105804
26PHC KANJARIKanjari, Panch Mahals, Gujarat7567893221
27PHC VAVKUNDLIVavkundli, Panch Mahals, Gujarat7567893686
28PHC DELOLDelol , Panch Mahals, Gujarat7567893759
29PHC GAMAN BARIA NA MUVADAGaman Baria Na Muvada, Panch Mahals, Gujarat7567893275
30DEEP CHILDREN HOSPITALAbove Deep Maternity Home, Near Gadukpur Chowkdi, Bamroli Road, Godhra, Panch Mahals, Gujarat9978606610
31MAA CHILDREN & GENERAL HOSPITALPreceding Lal Darwaja Nr. Veterinary Hospital Godhara Road Kalol, Panch Mahals, Gujarat8208000745

The Ayushman Card Hospitals List in Panchmahal reflects the Government’s dedication to its citizens’ health and well-being. With the Ayushman card, you can receive free treatment at private and government hospitals, easing the burden of medical expenses during challenging times. Embrace the benefits of this scheme and ensure a healthier and more secure future for yourself and your loved ones.

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