Pancard Clubs Latest News 2022 | Apply online Refund | PACL का पैसा कब तक होगा वापस |Online Claim Status | Pancard Club Ltd Money Refund 2022
पीसीएल के निवेशकों/जमाकर्ताओं से अनुरोध है कि वे अपने दावों को प्रमाण के साथ 10 दिसंबर 2022 तक कंपनी की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर ऑनलाइन जमा करें।
Web Link (Apply online Refund) –
Official Website : Refund to investors of PACL Ltd by Justice (Retd.) R.M. Lodha Committee (in the matter of PACL Ltd)
Pancard Clubs Latest News
दिवाला अदालत ने पैनकार्ड क्लबों को दिवाला समाधान प्रक्रिया के लिए स्वीकार किया
- एक दिवाला अदालत ने लगभग 100 शेयरधारकों द्वारा दायर एक संयुक्त याचिका के आधार पर शुक्रवार को पैनकार्ड क्लब्स लिमिटेड को कॉर्पोरेट दिवाला समाधान प्रक्रिया (सीआईआरपी) में भर्ती कराया और राजेश सुरेशचंद्र शेठ को अंतरिम समाधान पेशेवर (आईआरपी) नियुक्त किया।
- याचिकाकर्ताओं ने कंपनी द्वारा दी जाने वाली एक हॉलिडे टाइमशेयर योजना में लगभग 1.55 करोड़ रुपये का निवेश किया, जिसे सीआईएस हॉलिडे टाइम शेयर योजना कहा जाता है। ऐसा अनुमान है कि कंपनी ने उक्त योजना के तहत लगभग 7,035 करोड़ रुपये एकत्र किए।
- शिकायत को स्वीकार करते हुए, नेशनल कंपनी लॉ ट्रिब्यूनल (एनसीएलटी) की मुंबई बेंच ने नोट किया कि वित्तीय लेनदारों ने समय मूल्य के आधार पर धन का वितरण किया था, जिसका अर्थ है कि इस मामले में, याचिकाकर्ताओं को निवेश की गई राशि से अधिक मूल्य प्राप्त होगा। , जो वित्तीय ऋण का संकेत है।
पैनकार्ड क्लबों की संपत्ति जब्त करने के लिए SFIO ने NCLT का रुख किया
- गंभीर धोखाधड़ी जांच कार्यालय (एसएफआईओ) ने नेशनल कंपनी लॉ ट्रिब्यूनल (एनसीएलटी) को पैनकार्ड क्लबों की संपत्ति को फ्रीज करने के लिए स्थानांतरित कर दिया है, जो एक टाइम शेयर कंपनी है, जिसने पांच मिलियन सदस्यों से 7,000 करोड़ रुपये जुटाए हैं और लोगों के अनुसार बंद हो गए हैं।
- हालांकि पैनकार्ड क्लब्स ने जाहिर तौर पर सदस्यों को एक समय साझा कार्यक्रम में शामिल करने के लिए धन जुटाया, जिससे उन्हें कंपनी के स्वामित्व वाली पर्यटक संपत्तियों में छुट्टी के समय का हिस्सा मिला, सदस्यता एक निवेश योजना के लिए एक भेस थी जिसने सदस्यों को एक निश्चित वापसी का वादा किया था।
- एनसीएलटी ने शनिवार को कंपनी को दिवालियेपन की कार्यवाही के लिए स्वीकार किया और राजेश शेठ को समाधान पेशेवर नियुक्त किया। इसने एसएफआईओ के आवेदन पर सुनवाई नहीं की, जो 17 अगस्त को दर्ज किया गया था।
सेबी ने एनसीएलएटी से पैनकार्ड क्लबों के समाधान पर रोक लगाने का आदेश दिया
- देश के पूंजी बाजार नियामक ने पैनकार्ड क्लबों की दिवाला कार्यवाही को रोकने के लिए राष्ट्रीय कंपनी कानून अपीलीय न्यायाधिकरण (एनसीएलएटी) का रुख किया है, जिसने पांच मिलियन व्यक्तियों से 7,000 करोड़ रुपये जुटाए थे और अब बंद हो गए हैं, इस मामले से अवगत लोगों ने कहा।
- भारतीय प्रतिभूति और विनिमय बोर्ड (सेबी) एक अपंजीकृत सामूहिक निवेश योजना (सीआईएस) चलाने के लिए पैनकार्ड क्लबों की जांच कर रहा है, जो एक क्लब सदस्यता कार्यक्रम के रूप में प्रच्छन्न था, जो सदस्यों को छुट्टियों के लिए अपनी रिसॉर्ट संपत्तियों का उपयोग करने की अनुमति देता था।
- सेबी ने अपने निवेशकों को पैसा वापस करने के लिए पैनकार्ड क्लबों की 14 संपत्तियों की नीलामी शुरू कर दी है, और उसे डर है कि दिवाला कार्यवाही उसकी हिरासत में संपत्तियों को बेचने के प्रयासों में बाधा उत्पन्न करेगी, जैसा कि ऊपर उद्धृत लोगों ने कहा।
- मुंबई स्थित पैनकार्ड क्लब के संस्थापक और प्रमोटर सुधीर मोरावेकर का 2017 में निधन हो गया। कंपनी के अन्य निदेशक वरिष्ठ नागरिक हैं और कहा जाता है कि वे फरार हैं।
Pancard Clubs Limited-Refund Process
How to apply online for pancard club ltd money refund
SEBI PACL Refund documents
- Name of the Investor as per PACL Certificate
- Registered and permanent mobile number of PACL account holder
- PACL scheme receipt number
- Scanned copy of PACL certificate
- Aadhar Card of PACL Investor
- PAN number of the account holder to receive funds
- The account number and IFSC code of the bank account which is in the name of the investor.
- PACL Certificate Number
- Details of the land allotted by Pulse to the claimant investor or not
How to check Sebi PACL status
- Here also you have to click on the official website of pancard club ltd money refund 2022 to check your SEBI PACL status.
- The official website to check SEBI PACL status is
- As soon as the website of pancard club ltd money refund is successfully opened in front of you, then you have to click on the option of Inquiry about payments status.
- As soon as you click on the option of Inquiry about payments status, you will be redirected to a new page.

- Here you will be asked for your PACL certificate number.
- You have to enter the captcha code here and after entering the PACL certificate number, click on the search button.
- After all the information related to pancard club ltd money refund provided by you, as soon as you click on the search button.
- Similarly, your Sebi PACL Refund status check will come in front of you.
- You can take a print out of this SEBI PACL Refund status check and save it.
FAQs to enable PACL investors submit their claims
In cases where holder of the certificate is deceased, whether nominee or legal heir can apply for refund?
What are the documents required for a nominee to apply for PACL refund? The current process does not envisage a claim application being made by a nominee or a legal heir. Accordingly, only application for self can be made in the current process. Any decision, if taken by the Committee, with respect to the receipt of claim applications from nominees or legal heirs, shall be notified in due course.
Name on PAN card differs from that provided in the PACL certificate(s). What needs to be done in that case?
You can make a claim application even if the Name on the PAN card differs with the Name appearing in the PACL certificate(s). You have to enter your Name as mentioned on the PAN card in the field for PAN Name, the Name as appearing in the PACL certificate in the field for PACL Certificate Name and upload the supporting documents in the field provided.
The investment is in the name of minor who does not have a PAN Card. What needs to be done in that case?
The documentary proofs as prescribed have to be submitted with the claim application, for the said claim application to be a valid application. Hence, you need to apply for a PAN Card in the name of the minor. The Income Tax Department has not mentioned an age limit for availing a PAN card, which means that even minors are eligible to apply for it.
When will the money be refunded? Will money be refunded with interest?
The decision of refund shall be taken by the Committee after verifying the claims made by the applicant investor(s). The Committee will refund the amount(s) invested, depending upon the corpus available with the Committee, on the basis to be decided by the Committee. Payment of interest is not envisaged at this stage.
How is the claim amount that is to be entered in the claim application form to be calculated? Can an investor input the maturity amount as the claim amount?
The claim amount is the total amount that is derived upon adding the amounts as appearing in all the outstanding receipts of payment with respect to a particular PACL Registration Number. The claim amount so entered by the investor in the claim application form is required to be supported by uploading the scanned copy of the corresponding certificate issued by PACL for the said PACL Registration number along with the scanned copy (ies) of the corresponding outstanding receipt (s) of payment. For greater clarity, please refer to the refund video. Further, the originals of the scanned copies uploaded should be available with the investor. It is further clarified that the maturity amount is not the claim amount.
Can an investor who does not possess any receipts or is in possession of only a few receipts or just the last receipt and/ or does not possess the bond certificate make a claim for refund? In which case, what would be the claim amount?
The Committee has not envisaged any payments against lost or misplaced bond certificate (s) and/ or receipt(s) at this stage.
In case original documents (bond certificates and/ or receipts) have been surrendered to PACL and investor has only acknowledgement issued by PACL, can he/she apply for refund?
Can such acknowledgement slip be uploaded in lieu of PACL certificate while applying for refund?
If investor has availed loan from PACL Ltd. after submitting all the documents to PACL, how to apply for refund in such a scenario? In the current process of receiving claim applications, the investor submitting a claim application should be in possession of the original bond certificate and original outstanding receipt(s) of payment, and shall upload the scanned copy of the bond certificate along with the scanned copies of the outstanding receipt(s). Accordingly, to submit a claim application, any desirous investor shall have to upload the scanned copies of the above documents and be in possession of the respective original documents. For greater clarity, please refer to the refund video. The Committee has not envisaged any payments against any acknowledgement issued by PACL at this stage.
Is there any upper limit on the number of receipts that can be uploaded?
There is no upper limit on the number of receipts that can be uploaded. Accordingly, you may upload as many number of receipts as may be outstanding with respect to a particular PACL Registration number.
Is there an option to apply for PACL refund by submitting physical claim application?
The current process of receiving claim applications is a digital process considering the magnitude and scale of the process. Accordingly, no physical claim application can be submitted in the current process.
Can those Investors who were unable to upload documents and make their claim during the first process (outstanding principal up to Rs. 2500/-) apply again in the current process?
Yes. If you were unable to make your application in the previous process, you may do so in the current process, provided, you upload the scanned copy of the bond certificate along with the scanned copies of the outstanding receipt(s) and are in possession of the original bond certificate and original outstanding receipt(s) of payment.
Can an investor from a neighbouring country apply for refund with the other country ID & address proofs in lieu of PAN Card?
Also, can an investor submit Aadhaar Card in lieu of PAN card?
No. The documentary proofs as prescribed have to be submitted with the claim application, for the said claim application to be a valid application. Accordingly, no documentary proofs, except the ones prescribed shall be considered.
Can an investor upload scanned copy of the first page of the bank pass book instead of cancelled cheque/ Banker’s certificate?
In case investors do not have a cheque book, they may get a certificate from the bankers in the format prescribed. In the alternative, the investor can upload that front page of the bank pass book and the page that contains the Investor’s Name, the Bank Account number and the IFSC Code.
What can be done in case of error message, “This PACL number does not exist as per our records.”?
In case you are holding original bond certificate (s) and corresponding original outstanding receipt (s) issued by PACL, and while filing your claim application you have received the aforesaid message, you may email the PACL Registration number details along with the scanned copy (ies) of the corresponding aforesaid .
Is the refund application website India?
documents at accessible outside of Yes. The refund portal has now been made accessible from outside of India except Pakistan, China and Russia.
What can be done to update information in the portal once acknowledgement number has already been generated?
An acknowledgement number is generated after the final submission of the claim application. Accordingly, no changes can be made after the generation of the acknowledgement number.
Which web browser is to be used for this website?
This website works best with the latest version of Google Chrome browser.
What is the process for registration of my claim?
For registration, you need to enter your PACL registration number twice, mobile number and captcha. On entering the details, an OTP would be sent to the mobile number entered during registration. Once the OTP is successfully entered and if the details submitted are in order, your registration would be successful. Upon successful registration, you may start the process of submitting your claim application.
How do I login to my claim application?
On successful registration, you would be guided to a password creation screen. You can create a password of your choice. The password should be between 8-16 characters and contain at least one upper case letter (a-z), one numeral (0-9) and one special character. On successful creation of password, subsequent logins would need to be done using your PACL registration number and password.
What information do I need to submit in the claim application form?
You need to submit your name as per PACL certificate, the claim amount (in Rs.), name as per PAN, PAN number, your bank account number, bank name and IFSC code.
What are the documents that I need to upload?
You need to upload copy of your PAN, latest passport size photograph, copy of canceled cheque with your name printed or banker’s certificate as per the prescribed format available at on the letter head of the bank, copy of PACL certificate, and receipts, if any.
Can I exit even though I have partially filled up the claim application form?
Yes, you can exit the applicant by clicking on the logout button. The information entered by you would be saved when you click on ‘Save and Next’ option. You can come later and log in to finish your claim application.
What is the format of the documents to be uploaded?
The documents can be uploaded in pdf, jpg or jpeg formats.
What should be the specifications of the documents being uploaded?
The documents uploaded should be on black and white scale, 200 dpi and vertically aligned. The size of the document should be restricted to 300KB.
How do I know if my application is successfully submitted?
After completion of all the required formalities, you may click on the ‘Final Submit’ button, upon which a preview screen will appear for confirmation of the information entered by you on the web platform. Upon your confirmation of the information entered, the application would be successfully submitted and an acknowledgement receipt number (ARN) would be generated. This number along with the PACL registration number should be used for all future communication.
Can I delete/edit the information I have saved?
You can edit/delete the information multiple times till you submit your application by clicking on the ‘Final Submit’ button. However, once you have clicked on the ‘Final Submit’ button no further changes would be allowed.
What if I forgot my password?
Click on ‘Forgot Password’ option on this website. Enter the PACL registration number and click on generate OTP option. Enter the OTP received on your mobile number and click on submit OTP. Once the correct OTP has been submitted, you would be taken to the ‘Enter password’ screen where you can create a fresh password.
What if I do not have a PAN card?
You would need to obtain a PAN card and then submit the application?
How do I obtain a PAN card?
To obtain information on how to obtain a PAN card, click on the below link.
What if I do not have a bank account where I am the first holder?
You can submit the bank account details where you are a joint holder. The cancelled cheque copy with your name printed or banker’s certificate as per the prescribed format available at on the letter head of the bank also needs to be uploaded along with the claim application.
What if the PACL certificate holder has passed away?
Can any nominee make the claim on behalf of such deceased investor? In such a case, the claim application can be submitted by the Nominee whose name appears on the PACL certificate. However, date for the submission of claim applications through nominees shall be notified in due course.
What if my name has changed due to marriage?
The date for the submission of claim applications in your new name together with supporting documents shall be notified in due course.
In case of queries/complaints, where can I contact?
In case of queries/complaints, please call the helpline number 022 61216966
FAQ Source : PACL
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